John changed his Facebook picture and it caught my attention so much, that I decided to write a story about him (that also means to draw). Otherwise he is usually the one who shows to everybody else their beauty and greatness through his photography and writings.
Since 2008 he has been documenting the building of Black Rock City and Burning Man event. So many of us part of DPW (Department of Public Works) have been constantly flattered by being on his photos or mentioned in the blog. This is actually how I met John for the first time in 2009, when he captured me walking away from the construction site of my all time favourite man base. Since then I’ve been always enjoying his presence and our inspiring talks.
Stories in Drawings website is kind of a result of one of our conversations. While driving back together from last Burning Man Playa Restoration, I mentioned him the idea of sharing my drawings and he strongly encouraged me to start my own site for that, rather than looking for some external places. Now I couldn’t agree more.
While drawing the illustration for this post, I was analysing the profile photo of John and why it moved me for this action. I came up with a thought, that it touched me, because it is very clear reflection of the real person at that certain moment in time, while it was created. Also the photo carries on the feeling of that moment, as looking it now I’m in present with a joyful feeling of happiness and peace.
Actually, after all these words I understood that I wanted to write only one thing:
John Curley lives on a houseboat!
Website –
Burning Man Blog –
Yay YOU for following up on his great idea and yeppers on John Curley ~ I still miss giving him his radio and his pics of my family at BM…
Thank you Gameshow! Miss seeing your cheerful being at the morning meetings!