° The Worlds We Create Today in the morning I was writing the “Berlin chapter” for the upcoming book “Stories in Drawings Around the World”.
° Playa Vision Last year during Burning Man, when I was bicycling at deep playa, I noticed the lights of Mayan Warrior (no wonder – they are kind of hard to miss). Continue Reading →
° Reflections ∼ Tulum Perfect timing for being in Tulum and getting a chance to dance, draw, swim and celebrate Wonderwheel Recordings’ 15th Anniversary at Akiin Tulum! Continue Reading →
° Meeting Vincent Today I felt sharing a story, which is a great inspiration for the New Year’s wish list. Around 1.5 months ago I was traveling from Ukiah to San Francisco, when I met Vincent – a vibrant and kind being (seen already from a distance). Continue Reading →
° Waves!!! “Waves!!!” – first word in a sms from my friend Jessica at 8:59 AM today. Continue Reading →
° Lo De Marcos So here I am – in Lo De Marcos, Mexico! The weather is perfectly warm, ocean within few minutes of walking distance, the fruits are delicious and air is fresh. Continue Reading →