Today I felt sharing a story, which is a great inspiration for the New Year’s wish list.
Around 1.5 months ago I was traveling from Ukiah to San Francisco, when I met Vincent – a vibrant and kind being (seen already from a distance). When I noticed him the first time, I knew we had stories to share.
He is a fencer and an actor from New York, now living in San Francisco. He is also a writer, doing mostly screenplays. And he used to be a magician in the kitchen – a sous-chef. A spectacular Artist of Life.
When he heard that I’m from Europe, he mentioned that he is moving soon to Portugal. His requirements are good weather, organic food markets and possibility to continue his fencing training.
When I asked why is he moving, he said because of discrimination in his home country – the U.S. I was a bit surprised: “We are living in 21st century and you are in San Francisco!”. And he answered: “Exactly what majority thinks! But the reality is much different”. He told that he has been threatened twice at gunpoint by the police, who thought that he must have done something or just looked suspicious. Or when wearing a suit in an art museum, other visitors automatically assume that he must be working there. And much more…
I understood my own ignorance and a very random priority, that I don’t even consider to be one. But for a big part of the World the skin colour is a huge unreasonable sign for acting one or the other way.
So, for the New Year I wish:
1. …smiles with no expectations/judgements between random strangers all over the World. I wish the curtains of ignorance be moved, how ever embarrassing the act behind them may be. So we could connect with each other freely on higher bases than only the looks. And by doing so, ironically, the looks actually get better!
We are all human beings, but how to be human we sometimes take for granted (looking in the mirror).
2. …for myself the best seat in a cinema, when Vincent Collins-Smith’s screenplay about the dinner in Venice is made into a movie and comes out. This idea he is cultivating is so brilliant, that I’m positively jealous that I didn’t experience or thought about it myself. But I also feel like my friend and a great leader Kimba Jorgensen once said:
“I love adventure, even if I’m not in it”
So I imagine myself watching the movie on a big screen with a knowing that I had the serendipitous luck to meet the writer.
Happy New Year’s Eve from Lo De Marcos, Mexico!
Thanks for this small view of our friend Vincent! Happy new Year to you as well. (Toni in Ukiah)